Natural animal care

Natural care products for pets.
Organic Herb Pack makes skin clean and healthy.

Japanese >China >

Beauty & Health Herb Pack – Focusing on the Beauty of the Finish.

The coating power on the coat is the strongest, so it is highly effective in preventing matting.

Maintaining healthy skin environment to prevent skin issues.

Shiny coat and volume.

The ingredients of Herb Pack will coat your pet’s hair strand by strand. Prevent the hair from getting tangled to keep the style pretty, making it easy to care at home.
Also it will help to remove unnecessary hair.
Prevents Tangles, Holds the Style, Helps Shedding

Add Beauty Oil for managing the volume of the coat.

If you wish to add the volume of coat, use just Herb Pack. Adding the Beauty Oil will help to reduce the spread of undercoat and make the coat shine and Smooth finish.

  • 5.3oz.(150g): 3 to 6 times for small sized dog

    JPY 4,200

  • 2.2lbs.(1kg): Up to 40 times for small sized dog

    JPY 22,000